How to Maintain and config Source List in SAP
Source Determination in SAP MM
SAP Path : SAP Easy Access => Logistics > Materials Management => Purchasing > Master Data => Source List > Maintain
T-Code: ME01(Create), ME03(Display), ME04(Change), ME07(Delete)
Related Tables : EORD
Q. Why we use Source list in sap MM ?
A. Source list and PIR both contain the combined information of Material and Vendor but Source list contains the list of vendor who can provide the Material but PIR maintains the price data for unique combination of Material and Vendor. e.g. If a material has 4 vendor source then 1 source list can contain all 4 vendors but there will be a need of 4 PIRs to record the price data.
Q. Can we create Source List automatically?
A. Yes, we need to check the automatic Source list check box in purchasing view while creating Material Master.
Q. Can we give preference to a particular vendor in the source list?
A. Yes, we can do it by enabling the Fixed indicator in Source list for a particular period of time.
Q. Can we give block a particular vendor in the source list?
A. Yes, we can do it by enabling the Block indicator in Source list for a particular period of time.
Process to Create Source List
- Execute the Transaction ME01
- Press Enter
- Enter the Valid From and To Date, Vendor, Purchase Org, Fixed/Blocked indicator, MRP=1 if want to include in MRP RUN etc. and save